What is a Hard Money Loans? A loan that is secured by real estate property is known as a hard money loans . These are considered loans of desperate remedy or short-term bridge loans. These loans are used in real estate transactions, with the lender who is not a bank but an individual or company. The Working of a hard money loan Instead of the financial stability of the borrower, hard money loan lenders rely on the value of the property that is being used as collateral. Banks that are traditional mortgage lenders, do not provide hard money loans these lenders are private individuals or companies. Property flippers who plan to renovate and resell the collateralized real estate quickly within a year sought hard money loans. The costs are higher and the borrower needs to pay off the loan faster than he would otherwise with a traditional loan . Most this types of loans duration is from one to three years. Hard money lending is a type of investment business and many ...
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